Lutherans have often been tagged as 'God's Frozen Chosen' because of our staid German & Scandinavian ways, our highly formalized liturgy and our slow, reverent hymns. A recent scientific study reported on Fox News' website confirms this:
— People of the Jewish faith and agnostics are 20 percent more sexually active than Christians. On the average, Protestants are less sexually active than Catholics. Presbyterians and Lutherans report less sex than Baptists.
and if that isn't bad enough -
Is your sex life a bit busier than most? If you’re a “25-year-old, high school-educated, married, Catholic jazz fan who earns $10,000 a year and who smokes and drinks regularly,” than you are probably having more sex than a college-educated, non-smoking, non-drinking Protestant.
Brings new meaning to 'cold orthodoxy' doesn't it? As a 42-year-old, college-educated, married, Lutheran who doesn't listen to jazz, makes $_ a year and rarely smokes (cigars two to four times a year) and barely drinks anymore - I plead the 5th.

Full story here
Mr. Lutheran....I see we have Archaeology and religion as common interests. Living in Utah we also have lots of %#@*& that one stuff and thus lots of kids. Now I know many don't consider us Christians but none the less we defiantly worship the savior, accept his atoning sacrifice and look for grace in our lives. We care little what others think as God is our judge. We don't seek to condemn the practices of other Christians as we all have the commonality of seeking Christ and practicing Christian charity. I see also that we are on opposite sides of the polital spectrum. As an advocate for preservation of Natural & cultural resources, we have lost numerous treasures and battles during the Bush years. Sometimes you have to fight the good fight even if it means in front of bulldozers. Peace Brother
On religion:
Yeah, I'm Lutheran Christian (and very orthodox in those beliefs) and while I am not in agreement with Mormonism theologically I have never felt called to beat up on it either.
On archaeology:
I have a love/hate relationship with archaeology. On one hand the field fascinates me, on the other I don't think the private ownership on common antiquities is mutually exclusive with responsible stewardship of the past. Many (not all) modern archaeologists have taken an 'all or nothing' approach to this issue and it is their party line. I think they are wrong. Furthermore, speaking as a Christian who is interested in passing on my faith with the aide of things like ancient coins which validate the Biblical record, I am completely against allowing people whose worldview is atheistic Darwinism be the exclusive custodians of said relics. Many Bible-related coins are very common. One dealer I know of had an advertisement a few years back where he sold Widows Mites for $4.75 each. These are not unique national treasures which should only be housed in state museums.
Peace to you also,
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