That Lutheran Guy

Friday, October 10, 2008

Coins And Medals Of The Reformation

Greetings and salutations,

Tis been a long time since I posted to this blog, I thought I would post some coin pics of some coins from my Reformation Era & related collection.
1504 Silver 3 Grossus Albertine Saxony
Note crossed swords forming letter 'A', this is a recurrent theme for Albertine coinage, you will see more below.

1532 Albert George AR Groschen

Kind of cool that it says, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" in Latin on the obverse around Albert's bust.

1539 AR Denar Hungary - Madonna & Child - Ferdinand I

1540 Uniface Pfennig - Salzburg

The coin has one of those funky Cardinal
hats on it near the top.

Albertine Saxony AR Hohlpfennig - Uniface 1540

Crossed swords 'A' again at left.

1543 Albert George Silver Groschen

Same as the 1532 coin above only a different style portrait.

1580 Thaler of August of Saxony

Bought it because that was the year the Book of Concord was compiled.
Crossed swords 'A' at center.

1630 Augsburg Confession Centennial Thaler - Ioannes George
The Augsburg Confession was publicly displayed for a festival and these coins were minted as circulating commemoratives. Many (like this one) were made
into medals or jewelry. This coin has an old 'mount mark' at the top of the obverse. Crossed swords forming a capital letter 'A' on both sides.

