That Lutheran Guy

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!
The Adoration of the Magi by Albrecht Dürer, 1504

Merry Christmas!

A Savior is born!

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins . . . Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. - Matthew 1:21, 23

Remember, He is the GOD who is there and He is not silent and He is with you always, even unto the end of the age.

Pax Christi, noli timere,


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sometimes You Can Be Too Conservative!


There is a group of people at the web site called 'Conservapedia' that decided the Bible is too liberal.


I like what Beliefnet columnist Rod Dreher said,

"You really need to read the whole Conservapedia entry to grasp how crazy this is. It's like what you'd get if you crossed the Jesus Seminar with the College Republican chapter at a rural institution of Bible learnin'."

These conservatives so-called should take heed to Moses:

Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

God Bless,


Friday, July 3, 2009

Revelations Commentary Reading Update
Revelation, fol. CXCVIIIr: The angel with the key to the
bottomless pit, binding the dragon for a thousand years

Blessings to you gentle readers,

As some of you know, I have been reading several Revelations commentaries, mostly by Lutheran commentators but one was a patristic commentary with commentary and sermons culled from the early Christian Fathers. I recently finished these volumes:
I'm just starting a Revelation commentary by Rev. Louis Brighton - which is a magnum opus in my opinion (and I've just finished the intro!) weighing in at 673 pages and 10 x 7.5 x 2 inches in size its a whopper! No matter where you go it seems to run for about $42.99 new and not much less used. I would say it is suitable for the studious layman, pastor, theology student, etc. I would recommend Franzmann and Mueller as more suitable volumes for the entry level. I personally feel Mueller's Revelation commentary is better, it's more thorough without being technical or jargonish. Franzmann's Revelation commentary is no where near as good as his classic treatment of Romans.

I have also downloaded a Revelations Bible Study by Rev. Paul Bartz from the Confessional Lutherans website. I have yet to read it though. When I do, I'll comment on it.

I have also learned of a Revelations Commentary that is over 800 pages for only $10:

Revelation - Scripture’s Crescendo and Culmination, (839 pages), by Laurence White - $10.00

I have yet to read that one either, but it sounds intriguing.



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Religious Liberty Update


As I understand this bill from my sources, mere participation in the aforementioned 'volunteer' program would then prohibit a young person from participating in a lot of other outside programs including Church.

I must apologize, I am way behind the curve on this one. The bill became law just today, it is called the 'Serve America Act' now, previously called Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education. It is an expansion of the Americorps ( ) program where college money from the government is exchanged for government service. The person who alerted me to all this was a bit johnny-come-lately on this and so I am too. The Senate version (S 277) already passed and today Obama signed it into law. Section 132A of the new law forbids funds going to any entity that is:

Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of proselytization, consistent with section 132.

So the above paragraph is already law and I bet many or all of us did not know until today.

A companion bill (not yet passed into law) HR 1444 would make this 'volunteer' service mandatory. So the bill is law and we are too late to stop that but we can attempt to stop HR 1444 and whatever it's Senate version maybe:

Remember, when government expands, liberty contracts.


Church Attendance, Confirmation, Sunday School - Against The Law


I couldn't believe this until I checked it out for myself. I found the bill on Govtrack, the House passed it, the Senate has yet to vote.

HR 1388: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (AKA The Obama Youth Brigade Bill)

Click on this link:

then scroll down to sec 1310 in the yelow and click on it, it reads,


‘(a) Prohibited Activities- An approved national service position under this subtitle may not be used for the following activities:

‘(1) Attempting to influence legislation.

‘(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.

‘(3) Assisting, promoting, or deterring union organizing.

‘(4) Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements.

‘(5) Engaging in partisan political activities, or other activities designed to influence the outcome of an election to Federal office or the outcome of an election to a State or local public office.

‘(6) Participating in, or endorsing, events or activities that are likely to include advocacy for or against political parties, political platforms, political candidates, proposed legislation, or elected officials.

‘(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of proselytization, consistent with section 132.

‘(8) Consistent with section 132, providing a direct benefit to any--

‘(A) business organized for profit;

‘(B) labor union;

‘(C) partisan political organization;

‘(D) nonprofit organization that fails to comply with the restrictions contained in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, except that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prevent participants from engaging in advocacy activities undertaken at their own initiative; and

‘(E) organization engaged in the religious activities described in paragraph (7), unless the position is not used to support those religious activities.

‘(9) Providing abortion services or referrals for receipt of such services.

‘(10) Conducting a voter registration drive or using Corporation funds to conduct a voter registration drive.

‘(11) Carrying out such other activities as the Corporation may prohibit.

‘(b) Ineligibility- No assistance provided under this subtitle may be provided to any organization that has violated a Federal criminal statute.

‘(c) Nondisplacement of Employed Workers or Other Volunteers- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not be directed to perform any services or duties, or to engage in any activities, prohibited under the nonduplication, nondisplacement, or nonsupplantation requirements relating to employees and volunteers in section 177.’.


Time to burn up the phone lines and PASS THIS ON to everyone you can think of!

Herb Kohl
Russ Feingold

Outside of Wisconsin:

You can search for your Senator by state in the upper right hand corner of the page.

In Christ,


Saturday, April 18, 2009

What Church Father Are You?

You’re St. Melito of Sardis!

You have a great love of history and liturgy. You’re attached to the traditions of the ancients, yet you recognize that the old world — great as it was — is passing away. You are loyal to the customs of your family, though you do not hesitate to call family members to account for their sins.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reading Luther's Sermons


I'm still slogging through 3 Revelation commentaries (I'm up to chap 19!) but since Lent began I have also been reading Luther's Sermons again. I have an eight volume set I bought back in 1988 that read all the way through once over a summer (I had a sedentary job as a security guard) and I began to read these in earnest again. I most recently read Luther's sermon for Easter on the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If Luther's Sermon is any measure of good practice - then I feel none of the Synods are following it.

Back in the day, people were compelled to make a confession to a priest and then take communion on Easter. Luther was opposed to the practice because these people were going right back to the sinful lives they led beforehand often with no effort to better themselves. Also Luther distinguishes between 'historical faith' - head knowledge that Christ had indeed existed -vs- 'real faith' of the heart as well. Today some fellow Lutherans (who can be 'Left Brain' to a fault) would yell PIETISM! But here they have to argue with Luther himself so I think that claim falls flat. I think Luther was worried about people living in open sin, habitually drunk, etc. Also Luther wanted people to have a faith that was bicameral - more in keeping with the Scriptures:

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. - Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30 & Luke 10:27.

Luther was also on guard against the 'herd mentality' which was to have everyone take communion. He wanted people to be asked one-by-one if they wanted it and not to rely on the faith or piety of family members but an individual desire to receive it. I have not been asked that for years. Congregations I was a member of who were conscientious usually collected communion cards at the altar and elders were required to know who everyone was. Also even long time members were supposed to register for communion in a register prior to worship and that was as good as it ever got.

So the WELS and ELS churches I once attended were holding fast to the Galesburg Rule but not Luther's. Luther wanted to be sure the communicant actually desired forgiveness from Christ and was not just 'going up' as a matter of law, custom or peer pressure. I'm not going to go into my current LCMS congregation for now because I am not fully informed on it's practice but I will say they have no statement regarding participation in their bulletins.

The bottom line is we live in such a materialistic society these days that few approach the sacrament with the same fear, wonder and awe that Luther had in his day. Some might say that was because Luther was a victim of medieval theology and magical thinking and to a degree that is true but yet - as Christians who confess the Creeds, do we not believe in all things both seen and unseen? I think our lips move and our hearts lie. If we did believe as we should, we would have no open communion and we would see people get turned away from the altar once in a while. I haven't seen anyone turned back from any synodical altar since the early 1990s.

Another thing that really takes me back is Luther's language. Luther had a lawyers gift for rhetorical flourish. Today he would be so politically incorrect and offensive he would require his own team of ACLU attorneys to keep him out of jail just for being himself. Luther would have a hard time with today's idolatrous worship of pluralism, tolerance and diversity. Luther was a warrior for truth and let the chips fall where they may. Since I read him in English translation, I wonder just how bowdlerized the English speaking pastors who translated these sermons rendered some of what he said. As Nicolas Cage's character Ben Gates said in National Treasure, "People don't talk that way anymore."

They certainly don't and that is most certainly true.

In Christ,


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Which Way LCMS?


The LCMS seems to be heading in several differing directions right now:

1) Some would like it to go 'evangelical' and adopt the worship & theology of other non-denominational (i.e. Reformed), conversion-orientated churches. Some of this group would also welcome a more ecumenical practice of fellowship and some would be open to women's ordination (some would not) and other changes in doctrine.

2) Some want to go back to a more confessional direction like that had in the days of the old Synodical Conference with more emphasis given to traditional forms of worship, theology from the Book of Concord and the great theologians of Lutheranism and doing everything with a more distinctly Lutheran polity.

3) Then there is a portion of the LCMS leadership and bureaucracy which wants 'peace at any price' between those 2 major factions.

This is painting with a broad brush, there are self-described feminists, evangelicals, pentecostals, fundamentalists, conservatives, confessionalists and a some east-coast liberals who are ELCA-wannabees in the English District.

These problems go back 70 years to the theological battles of the 1940s. Doctrinal standards were on a slow, barely perceptible decline in the LCMS under President Behnken. In the 1940s and '50s there were debates over the practice of the doctrine of fellowship within the Synodical Conference - then made up of the ELS (Evangelical Lutheran Synod), the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) and the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod).

In 1955, the little ELS severed ties with the LCMS. Some WELS congregations felt the same way and broke from the WELS and formed the CLC (Church of the Lutheran Confession) and several years later the WELS followed suit. This was because the LCMS was having exploratory talks with the ALC (American Lutheran Church) which had different doctrines regarding lodges and predestination from the LCMS. For the LCMS to consider fellowship with the ALC meant to the ELS and WELS that the LCMS had a different doctrine of fellowship than that practiced by the ELS and WELS. By 1963 the Synodical Conference had disbanded. This helped give rise to the LCMS' Presidency of Oliver Harms. Little changed and the slide continued.

Cooperation existed between the ALC and LCMS until 1970 when the ALC started ordaining women. Several years later under President J.A.O. Preus II, the LCMS had the battle for the Bible. Preus (who had family in the ELS) tried to reverse many of the liberal trends taking place in the LCMS. One of them culminated in the 'Seminex' (Concordia Seminary In Exile) fiasco where John Tietjen had been the President of the seminary at St. Louis was fired for not teaching the Bible as the inerrent Word of God. He had introduced radical forms of higher-critical scholarship into the student body. In 1973 Tietjen was brought up on charges of heresy and teaching false doctrine. The charges were verified by the members of the systematic theology department. Some students and faculty walked out and formed Seminex which became the locus for a new liberal synod, the AELC. That synod would later merge with the moderate ALC and liberal LCA to form the now ELCA in 1987.

Going back a bit, after the controversial years of Preus' leadership, the LCMS sought a peacemaker and they found one in the person of Ralph Bohlman from 1981 to 1992. The LCMS was ready for less drama and Bohlman talked like a conservative and governed like a moderate. The liberal factions that did not leave and join the AELC for whatever reason remained and quietly grew under his leadership of the Synod.

Skip ahead to late 2001 after 9/11. Kieschnick was the newly minted President of the LCMS and his Atlantic District President David Benke participated in a ecumenical, unionistic memorial ceremony remembering the 9/11 victims. This was a 'damned if you do damned if you don't' situation. While the LCMS had stumbled in decades past over the fellowship issue, it had finally seemed to have hit it's stride in the Bohlman years. It sold itself as a theologically center-right church body. Not part of the liberal mainline denominations but still aloof from church bodies it called legalistic (ELS, WELS, etc). It was conservative enough to be called 'conservative' but with still enough wiggle room to not be embarrassed by it in front of it's non-Lutheran neighbors.

The nation was facing a national tragedy and that seemed more compelling than what the Bible says about Christianity being the narrow way to eternal life and Benke took part in the ceremony because he was more worried about appearances in front of the world than answering to Christ. Being a public figure, he was spotted and called out on it by Lutherans all across the country who thought it was a pagan or at least unionistic memorial ceremony. This became particularly tough on Kieschnick who was from Texas and was an acquaintance of President George W. Bush. It became a question of what seemed to be patriotism -vs- narrow sectarian doctrinal legalism in the eyes of the world.

Members of the ELS and WELS who would not say the pledge at ball games nor have military chaplains suddenly felt vindicated after all these years. They had remained faithful in what seemed to be a small thing. They had been ridiculed by the world for it and now they felt vindicated but more importanly their confessional kindred in the LCMS had spoken out in agreement. Without going into the minutiae of events since, I feel it is safe to say that Bohlmann's centrist 'peace at any price' patch is now shown to be worn threadbare.

This has been further exacerbated by the removal of the program Issues, Etc. from KFUO radion and the current legal actions President Kieschnick is using to try to silence (or censor if you prefer) Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz who have been critical of his Presidency. Even some conservative and moderate clergy feel President Kieschnick has been heavy handed and some are wont for a change.

The current perceived agent of change is Rev. Matthew Harrison. He has translated some important confessional writings, wrote some thoughtful articles and has practicle experience in world missions, particularly with releif efforts. He has released a paper called "It's Time:LCMS UNITY AND MISSION -The Real Problem We Face and How to Solve It" which many see as a call to unity and truth.

Time will tell, 1st Missourians will have to get him elected and 2ndly, we need to remember that we must above all put our faith in God, not men. He seems better than Kieschnick by word and deed but he could be a kinder, gentler J.A.O. Preus or he could be a more right of center version of Bohlmann. We just don't know.

Peace Be With You,


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Present To Me


Not too long ago it was my 43rd Birthday. It was not a humdinger in any respects, went out with the Mrs for dinner, got a little cash from my folks (still blessed with health & wealth) and I boght a few 'toys' - coins & books. This one was the absolute humdinger - a facsimile edition of Luther's 1534 Bible - complete with watercolored woodcuts - WoWzA!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Elijah Taken To Heaven On Chariot Of Fire

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Israelites Dancing Around The Golden Calf

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Beast of Revelation Attacking Woman With 12 Stars

I got mine off of Amazon here for $89

More about the book here

I have an electronic version of it with my E-Sword Bible software. I ran of Genesis chap 1 and added the English text of Webster's KJV beneath it like an interlinear and read it over to familiarize myself with the vocabulary then sat down and read Genesis chap 1 out of that big ole Luther Bible. I was in total Lutheran-theology-junkie-Himmel!



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back From My Hiatus

Greetings and Salutations,

The election is over, Christmas is over, so I'm back to blogging again.

Recently on a Lutheran discussion list I am on we had a lively discussion over the Bible, coins & dating and what Caesar meant. When the dust settled we mutually agreed to bring it to an end and afterward one of the pastors said that we should arm wrestle to settle it, another said something about jousting. I promised to show some Reformation era coins with knights on horseback as a result.

As promised:

1557 Lithuania 1/2 Grosch

1516 Mansfeld 1/2 Taler

1572 Mansfeld Taler

No jousting but the Mansfeld coins have dragons below, the taler at bottom shows it being attacked with a lance.

More Reformation era coins in this post.

Peace in Christ,
