The election is over, Christmas is over, so I'm back to blogging again.
Recently on a Lutheran discussion list I am on we had a lively discussion over the Bible, coins & dating and what Caesar meant. When the dust settled we mutually agreed to bring it to an end and afterward one of the pastors said that we should arm wrestle to settle it, another said something about jousting. I promised to show some Reformation era coins with knights on horseback as a result.
As promised:

1557 Lithuania 1/2 Grosch

1516 Mansfeld 1/2 Taler

1572 Mansfeld Taler
No jousting but the Mansfeld coins have dragons below, the taler at bottom shows it being attacked with a lance.
More Reformation era coins in this post.
Peace in Christ,
More Reformation era coins in this post.
Peace in Christ,