I'm currently about 90 pages into Hoenecke's prolegomena in volume 1 of his monumental Evangelical Lutheran Dogmatics and I'm all Schleiermacher-ed out. Now I know why my agnostic philosophy professor in college wanted to skip over Schleiermacher and talk about idealists like Hegel. Agree or disagree with Hegel, at least he was coherent! Schleiermacher is about as clear as split-pea soup.
Schleiermacher Soup
It will be nice to get past it all though and get on to the actual dogmatic theology.
TTFN & God Bless,
My Facebook Page
Schleiermacher Soup

I still have quite a bit of prolegomena to go and as much as some of it gets technical-schmecnical for me (yes, even for mildly pedantic me) I got to give Hoenecke high marks for writing such a magnum opus and paying so much attention to the history and details of the evolution development of Lutheran theology and the philosophical trends that shaped and affected it.
It will be nice to get past it all though and get on to the actual dogmatic theology.
TTFN & God Bless,
My Facebook Page